Wedding day exit planning

March 04, 2022  •  Leave a Comment


Wedding day Exit Planning

The grand exit photos can be some of the trickiest images of your wedding day. It's fast paced and filled with various items being thrown or waved in your face. While exit photos can be a challenge,they can also be some of your favorite images. To help you capture the energy and excitement of this mad dash into married life keep in mind these tips:

1. Don't assume your exit has to be at the end of your reception when you are leaving for the night! All of the exit's we capture are actually what we call a faux exit! This is usually done right before the photographer's scheduled hours are completed. After all the main events of the reception are completed, that is usually when nearly half of your reception guests start taking off as well, so this is a perfect last event of the night for them to see and even participate in! The DJ usually helps by announcing to everyone to gather together (in the designated area) for the exit as well as telling them that it's party time when they come back! The ones that do are the ones that your going to have all the fun with for the rest of the dancing and party time!
Another bonus to having your exit early is lighting! We usually get better images when its around sun set or just after, before it gets too dark.

2. Put Someone In Charge. If you don't have a planner then you will want to put someone in charge of getting everyone set up outside for you big exit (even if the DJ announced it). You will also want to make sure they are handing out sparklers, rose petals or any other item your guests will throw to send you off. Make sure this person checks in with the photographer to ensure they are set and ready for you to make your exit before telling you it is time to go.

3. Stop half way through! When you are on your way through the line, stop about half way through and do a kiss, better yet, make it a dip kiss! This allows for some fantastic shots!


4. If your exit is sparklers, run through again! So many times when sparklers are used, especially the long ones, they still have a lot of spark left to go when you get to the end of the line. So why not take advantage and do it again?! This is especially helpful for the photographers to have extra chances to get some great shots, especially when using flash and there is so much movement. So our couples run back through and do it all again! And a lot of times they outdo their first stop and kiss too!

Ideas for Exits:



Rose Petals

Ribbon Strips (to wave, not throw)

Glow Sticks (this can even be done right on the dance floor!)

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